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The New Testament - Revised and Translated - with Notes and Instructions - A.S. Worrell

Artikelnummer: 9789057196218
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€ 29,95 (inclusief btw)

The New Testament Revised and Translated by A.S. Worrell. 

Designed to aid the earnest reader in obtaining a clear understanding of the doctrines, ordinances and primitive assemblies, as revealed in these scriptures.

With numerous suggestions as to how the reader may utilize the wonderful possibilities set forth in the Word.

Adolphus Spalding Worrell (1831-1908) was brought up as a Landmark Baptist, work his first years as a professor in Greek, Hebrew and Latin. Lateron in life he converted to Pentecostalism. His translation of the New Testament reflects both tradition.

Worrell sought to update the accuracy and grammar of the King James Version in his translation of the New Testament. This New Testament was first published in 1904.

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Specificatie Omschrijving
author Worrell, A.S.
type paperback
pages 430
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