
How to succeed in the christian life - R.A. Torrey

Artikelnummer: 9789066592964
Artikel 6 van 10
€ 17,95 € 16,95 (inclusief btw)

“I have for years felt the need of a book to put in the hands of those beginning the Christian life that would tell them just how to make a complete success of this new life upon which they were entering. I could find no such book, so I have been driven to write one. This book aims to tell the young convert just what he most needs to know. I hope that pastors and evangelists and other Christian workers may find it a good book to put in the hands of young converts. I hope that it may also prove a helpful book to many who have long been Christians but have not made that headway in the Christian life that they long for.”

- Reuben A. Torrey

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Specificatie Omschrijving
author Torrey, R.A.
type paperback
pages 121

importantia studiebijbel

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